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Journal : Journal of Applied Linguistics (ALTICS)

The Implementation of Online Assessment at Junior High Schools in Tasikmalaya Risma Maudhira Khoeriyah; Lystiana Nurhayat Hakim; Sundari Purwaningsih
Journal of Applied Linguistics (ALTICS) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): ALTICS
Publisher : Universitas Perjuangan Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36423/altics.v3i2.815


This research that aims to investigating how teachers implement of online assessment at junior high schools and find out the challenges faced by the teachers in implementation of online assessments in English lesson at junior high schools in Tasikmalaya. This study takes place at junior high schools in Tasikmalaya. This study sample 6 English teachers were chosen purposive sampling technique. This research is classifying as case study. Case study is using because this approach can develop more in-depth analysis of a case (Cresswell, 2018, p.295). This research is a suitable a case study because it raises a phenomenon that is currently happening in Tasikmalaya. In the results of this study found online assessment tools used by teachers, namely Google Classroom, Google Form, WhatsApp, Zoom, and which are less frequently used, namely Blogs and Quizizz. Based on the data generated from the interview there are obstacles encountered by teachers like often finding students asking for delays in assessment, late students in work collections, trouble seeing student insights, trouble getting feedback because it's hard to contact a few students. Keywords: Online Assessmennt, Four Language Skills, Online Assessment Tools, Challenges and Strategies
Journal of Applied Linguistics (ALTICS) Vol. 3 No. 2 (2021): ALTICS
Publisher : Universitas Perjuangan Tasikmalaya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.36423/altics.v3i2.817


 This research investigated factors affecting EFL students motivation when using Google Classroom as an online learning platform. It was argued that motivation is recognised as a vital component in successful second language learning (Lamb, 2017). This research employed survey method and data were obtained through the use of questionnaire with twenty questions for data collection. It involved fourteen students. The researcher was adapted to Rosnija, Chairunnisa and Apriliaswati (2017), to analyze the data from questionnaire. The finding revealed internal and external factors that affect students motivation in using Google Classroom as online learning platform. This paper concludes with internal factors such as easy to operate and help students for accessing new or old material. In the other hand, they lack communication and difficulty understanding the material so students feel that the learning is monotonous. Then, external factors such as bad networks, no phones or computer, limited quotas and no Wi-Fi so that students often miss material. Furthermore, no feedback from teachers, lack of disciplines among teachers in sharing materials and assignments, and no class discussion have affected students’ motivation in using Google Classroom. However, they still work on assignments because they have the purpose to get good grades, to be the champions of the class, and to avoid punishment at the end of the semester. Based on findings, it is recommended that teachers should pay attention to these factors so that students motivation in learning using Google Classroom increases better.  Keywords: EFL students motivation; Google Classroom; internal factors; external factors